
Welcome to the International Conference “Intelligent Transport Systems: Ecology, Safety, Quality, Comfort”

On November 26-27, 2024, the 2nd International Conference “Intelligent Transport Systems: Ecology, Safety, Quality, Comfort”, organized by the Faculty of Transport and Information Technologies of National Transport University.

European and Ukrainian scientists and business representatives are expected to participate in the plenary session on November 26. The presentations on current trends and development of intelligent transportation systems will be of interest to a wide range of listeners. So we invite you to join us in a format that is convenient for you – the conference will be held in a mixed mode (online and offline).

The presentations on the second day will be based on the materials provided by the conference participants. Based on the results of the conference, these materials will be evaluated for publication in Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. The publications of this series are indexed in Scopus base. Each participant will also receive a certificate (0.4 ECTS credits).

The deadline for submission is September 20.

Conference sections:

  • Smart cities and sustainable development
  • Intelligent transportation technologies and smart logistics
  • Smart mobility and road safety
  • ITS infrastructure and construction
  • ITS development in the context of post-war reconstruction of the country

Requirements for registration and deadlines are presented on the website www.itsesqc.ntu.edu.ua  in the section “For authors”.

Participation in the conference and publication of materials is FREE.

1, M. Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.
Kyiv, Ukraine 01010
Tel. +38 (044) 280-82-03
е-mail: general@ntu.edu.ua

Admissions Office:
Room 119б,
Tel.+38 (044) 280-54-09

International Cooperation