
We invites you to participate in the IInd International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative Solutions in Modern Science, Education and Practice»

October 15-16, 2024, the IInd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Solutions in Modern Science, Education and Practice” will be held, organized by Economics and Law Faculty of National Transport University.

October 15, 2024, the plenary session agenda, is expected to be attended by representatives of Ukrainian and foreign educational institutions and practitioners. The reports and presentations will be focused on discussing essential issues of science, education and practice development. Scientists from Ukrainian and foreign educational institutions, practitioners, and students are invited to participate in the scientific discussion. We propose you join the conference in a convenient form – the conference will be held in a hybrid format (online and offline).

Thematic Conference Guidelines (Sections):

Section “Economics”:

  • The current state and prospects of economic development.
  • Modern tendencies of business development: innovations and new business technologies in economy.
  • Strategic priorities for socio-economic development in the face of global challenges.

Section “Foreign Philology”:

  • Foreign innovations in language education and vocational education training, competence approach to learning, dual education.
  • New aspects of linguistic research and current problems of translation studies and methods of teaching translation.

Section ” Philosophy and Pedagogy”:

  • Youth social and civic competence formation in the conditions of war: philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects.

Section “Legal Science”:

  • Topical issues of modern legal science and practice.

Requirements for abstracts and deadlines are available on the website: https://sites.google.com/ntu.edu.ua/mizhnarodnakonferentsiya/

The deadline for submission is October 10, 2024.

Each participant will receive a certificate (0.5 ECTS credits).

The conference proceedings will be published in an electronic version.

Participation in the conference is FREE OF CHARGE.

1, M. Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.
Kyiv, Ukraine 01010
Tel. +38 (044) 280-82-03
е-mail: general@ntu.edu.ua

Admissions Office:
Room 119б,
Tel.+38 (044) 280-54-09

International Cooperation