
Viktor Dmytrovych Danchuk – Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Information Technologies of National Transport University. Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Full Member of the Construction Academy of Ukraine, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine.

Deputy Deans:

gerdjot-g-iMaryna Mykhaylivna Dekhtyar Associate Professor of the Department of Information and Analytical Activities and Information Security, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor.

shurjaeva-s-vHalyna Ivanivna Herzhod – Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State, PhD in History; Associate Professor.

glushakova-o-vVictoriia Viktorivna Lebid – Associate Professor of the Department of International Transportation and Customs Control, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor.

The Faculty of Transport and Information Technologies is an educational, scientific, administrative and structural division of National Transport University. The faculty trains students majoring in 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), 122 Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, 121 Software Engineering, 029 Information, Library and Information Science. Students get training in accordance with education-qualification levels: Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree. Bachelor’s Degree is acquired on the basis of secondary education, Junior Specialist and Professional Junior Bachelor’s Degrees.

The faculty offers bachelor’s programs in:

275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport):

  • International Transportation Management
  • Customs Control
  • Transportation and Transport Management (Road Transport)
  • City Transport Systems
  • Freight Transport Systems and Logistics Management
  • Road Traffic Engineering and Control

122 Computer Sciences:

  • Information Control Systems and Technologies;
  • Information Security in Computerized Systems.

121 Software Engineering:

  • Software Engineering

029 Information, Library, Archives and Records Management:

  • Document Management, Scientific and Technical Translation;
  • Information and Analytical Activities Management and Public Communications.

The faculty offers master’s programs in:

275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport):

  • International Transportation Management
  • Customs Control on Transport
  • Transportation and Transport Management (Road Transport)
  • City Transport Systems
  • Freight Transport Systems and Logistics Management
  • Road Traffic Engineering and Control
  • Smart Transport and City Logistics

122 Computer Sciences:

  • Computer Sciences

121 Software Engineering:

  • Software Engineering

029 Information, Library, Archives and Records Management:

  • Consolidated Information

The faculty has 130 highly qualified scientific and academic staff and a current student population of approximately 1500 full-time students. The faculty includes six departments:

Department of International Road Transportation and Customs Control. The Head of the Department is Prokudin Heorhii Semenovych, Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Full Member of Ukrainian Academy of Economic Cybernetics, honoured with the Excellence in Education of Ukraine award, a holder of AsMap second class award, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, a member of the Academic Council specialized in Phd and doctoral thesis defense. The department trains and graduates bachelors majoring in 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational programs are International Transportation Management, Customs Control on Transport;  masters majoring in 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational programs are International Transportation Management, Customs Control on Transport.

Department of Transport Technologies. Khabutdinov Ramazan Abdulaiovych  is the Head of the Department, Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, a holder of the badge for Scientific Achievement, a member of the Academic Council specialized in Phd and doctoral thesis defense. His key research interest is energy saving automotive technology systems in road transportation. The department trains and graduates bachelors majoring in 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), the educational program is Transportation and Transport Management (Road Transport); masters majoring in 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), the educational program is Transportation and Transport Management (Road Transport).

Department of Transport Systems and Road Safety. The Head of the Department is Polishchuk Volodymyr Petrovych, Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Road Transport of Ukraine, Honored Road Builder of Ukraine, honoured with the Excellence in Education of Ukraine award, a member of the Academic Council specialized in Phd and doctoral thesis defense. The department trains and graduates bachelors majoring in 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational programs are Road Traffic Engineering and Control, City Transport Systems, Freight Transport Systems and Logistics Management; masters majoring in 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport) with specialization in 275.03 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational programs are Road Traffic Engineering and Control, City Transport Systems, Freight Transport Systems and Logistics Management as well as Smart Transport and City Logistics as a part of international project.

Department of Information Information Analysis and Information Security. The Head of the Department is Ali Nurddynovych Al-Ammori, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Member of the Specialized Scientific Council for the Defense of PhD and Doctoral Theses. He manages the Information and Computing Center of NTU. Ali Al-Ammori is the member of the jury of the Small Scientific Academy of Ukraine in Programming Technologies. The department offers the graduate programs for Bachelors in 122 Computer Sciences (educational program: Information Security in Computerized Systems); 029 Information, Library and Archive Management (educational programs: Management of Documentation Processes, Scientific and Technical Translation, Management of Information Analytical Activities and Communication with the Public) and Masters in 029 Information, Library and Archive Management, ( educational program : Consolidated Information)

Department of Information Systems and Technologies. The Head of the department is Valerii Volodymyrovych Havrylenko, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Academician Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, member of the National Committee of Ukraine in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Excellence of Education in Ukraine award, Member of the Specialized Scientific Council for the Defense of the PhD and Doctoral Theses. The department offers the graduate programs for Bachelors in 122 Computer Sciences (educational program: Management Information Systems and Technologies), 121 Software Engineering (educational program: Software Engineering) and Masters in 122 Computer Sciences (educational program: Computer Sciences), 121 Software Engineering (educational program: Software Engineering).

Department of Higher Mathematics. The Head of the Department is Valerii Ivanovych Huliaiev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ukrainian State Prize Laureate in the field of Science and Technology, Merited Member of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Member of the Specialized Scientific Council for the Defense of the PhD and Doctoral theses. The department provides teaching such disciplines as Higher Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory, Probability Processes and Mathematical Statistics at all faculties of the university.


Research is ongoing, and scientific schools are functioning, with their high-priority research areas including general system theory and mathematical simulation of the development systems; the development of scientific principles of quasi intellectual information network systems in virtual education and transport; the development of the theory of transport processes and systems; the development of the general theory of transport accumulation systems; the development of the methodological principles of the road traffic control; modeling of the automatic transport management systems; the development of the computer engineering foundations of road building with the prognostic properties; modeling of optimization problems and mathematical programming and the development of technical principles; hydromechanics of underground water; oscillatory processes of the surfaces during rotation; the introduction of modern computer technologies in economic and engineering calculations; modern computer technologies in navigation and transport management; the effective container transport system for the intercity road and mixed transportations; the rational route systems; the development and introduction of resource-saving technologies; the improvement of the road traffic engineering; the improvement of city transport systems; the investigation into the psychological and physiological characteristics of driver behavior; mathematical models and analysis of structural and dynamical properties, interaction mechanisms in disordered condensed materials; physics of phase structural transformation in ferroelectric crystals at different temperatures.

The faculty develops creative and professional contacts with education and research institutions in Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Poland, France. Strengthened are the international relations with the universities of Spain, Germany, Israel, the USA, Lithuania, Romania and other countries. Active cooperation with the automobile and road industry also takes place. Cooperation agreements with Service of International Road Carriage (SMAP), Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine (AsMAP UA), Road Police of Ukraine (DAI) and with corporations like UkrAVTO, AIS, and NIKO have been approved and signed. Departments of the faculty actively cooperate with many IT companies, specifically Microsoft in Ukraine, Parus Corporation, Skylock Ukraine Co. Ltd, Euromobile Ukraine Co. Ltd LLC, GEO Intelligent Systems Co. Ltd, KIGLIE Co. Ltd, Promtechnika Co. Ltd., Synergon (Hungary), etc.

The faculty takes an active part in international scientific and educational collaboration in the framework of international projects. Specifically, in the framework of the implementation of projects in the program of international collaboration with the EU ERASMUS + KA 2, ERASMUS + KA 1.

You can find more information on the faculty majors on the Web-page University Courses.

Address: room 203, 42, M. Boichuka str, Kyiv 01010, Ukraine

Phone: +38 (044)-284-66-01

E-mail: ntuftit@gmail.com

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