Bar College of Automotive and Highway Engineering
Its foundation
National Transport University Bar College of Transport and Construction was founded in 1969.
Specialties and specialization
Training of specialists in the college is carried out according to 6 specialties with licensed volume of enrolment:
- 07010602 Service and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Engines : 60 persons;
- 05050204 Operation and Repair of Lifting Vehicles, Construction Site Engines, Motor Vehicles and Equipment : 60 persons;
- 06010109 Construction, Operation and Repair of Highways and Aerodromes: 60 persons;
- 08010102 Land Use: 40 persons;
- 07010102 Transportation and Transport Management: 40 persons.
- 07010101 Road Traffic Engineering: 50 persons.
The educational institution has been headed by Yosyp Kibitlevskyi since 2000.
Hostel accommodation
There is a hostel for 450 people in the college.
Address: 7 Heroes of Maidan Str., Bar town 23000, Vinnytsia region,
Contact telephone: +38 (04341) 2–23–51
Kryvyi Rih Education and Consulting Centre
Its foundation
Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science Order № 720 of 30.10.2003 (The foundation of National Transport University Education and Consulting Centre in Kryvyi Rih city).
National Transport University order № 178 of 02.06.2004 (About the foundation of National Transport University Education and Consulting Centre in Kryvyi Rih).
The admission has been carried out since 2005.
Licenсe №270589 of 02.07.2013.
Specialties and specialization
Speciality: 6.070.101 Transportation and Transport Management (Road Transport)
Areas of specialization:
- International Road Transportation
- Transport Customs Control
Mykola Gryhorovych Bosniak is the head of the NTU Education and Consulting Centre in Kryvyi Rih, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor.
Hostels are not available.
Address: 9 Vitchyzna Str. Apt. 41, Kryvyi Rih city, Dnipro region.
Contact telephone: +38 (056) 404-21-69
Lviv Education and Consulting Centre
Its foundation
The Education and Consulting Centre has been functioning in Lviv as a subdivision of National Transport University since 08.08.2000 (Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science order № 375). It is aimed to train well-qualified specialists in the areas of transport and transportation management, transport law, transport customs control and others.
Specialties and specialization
Field of knowledge 6.070101 Transport Technologies
– Specialty 7.07010102 Transportation and Transport Management» (Road Transport)
Area of specialization: Transport Customs Control
Vasyl Mykhailovych Dorosh is the head of NTU Education and Consulting Centre in Lviv
Hostels are not available.
Address: 5 Ozhynova Str., Lviv 79069.
Contact telephone: +38 (032) 295-57-84
Ivano-Frankivsk Education and Consulting Centre
Its foundation
The Education and Consulting Centre in Ivano-Frankivsk was founded under the Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science order № 947 of 29.10.2007.
- 070101 Transport Technologies;
- 030501 Business Economics.
Vasyl Stepanovych Skrypnyk is PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor.
Hostels are not available.
Address: 7 Krasivskyy Str., Ivano-Frankivsk 76018.
Contact telephone: +38 (0342) 72-10-53
Nadvirna College of the 1st level of accreditation
Its foundation
Nadvirna College of the 1st level of accreditation was founded in 1962.
The College trains junior specialists in the following areas of knowledge:
- 02010501 Records Management
- 03040101 Law
- 03050401 Business Economics
- 03050801 Finance and Credit
- 03050901 Accounting
- 05010101 Maintenance of Software Systems and Packages
- 05070205 Maintenance and Repair of Motor Vehicle and Tractor Electrical Equipment
- 06010109 Construction, Operation and Repair of Highways and Aerodromes
- 07010102 Transportation and Road Transport Management
- 07010602 Maintenance and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Engines
R.V. Nagornyi is a Ukraine’s honored educationalist, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ist-IInd levels of accreditation higher education institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk region.
Hostel accommodation
There are 2 hostels which provide accommodation for all non-resident students.
Адреса: 177 Soborna Str., Nadvirna town 78400, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
Contact telephone: +38 (0342)50-18-79
Lviv Higher Vocational School of Transport Technologies and Services
Its foundation
The educational institution as municipal vocational school № 9 was founded in 1975 in order to train qualified workers for enterprises of mechanical engineering industry on production basis of Lviv conveyor plant of the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering (Order №11 of the USSR Vocational Education Committee of the Council of Ministers dated 14.02.1975’ On establishment of Municipal vocational school in Lviv’). Municipal vocational school № 9 was reorganized into Lviv technical school № 14 under Order №185 of the USSR TVE (technical and vocational education) Committee of the Council of Ministers of 15.12.1975 and Order №361 of the Head of Lviv TVE Regional Authority of 17.12.1975. Lviv Higher Vocational School №63 was integrated into National Transport University as a separate subdivision and renamed Lviv Higher Vocational School of Transport Technologies and Services of National Transport University under Order №758 of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated 27.06.2012.
The School offers the following professional qualifications:
- Vehicle mechanic, electric/gas welder
- Typesetting operator, office clerk (accounting)
- Typesetting operator, (bank) cashier
- Social worker; junior care nurse
- Typesetting operator, travel agent
- Electric/gas welder
- Milling machine operator
- Lathe operator
- Computerized lathe and manipulator operator
- 5.05010101 Programme System and Complex Maintenance
Roman Mykhailovych Klymshyn, a top-rank lecturer
Hostel accommodation
There is a hostel that can accommodate 204 students simultaneously.
Address: 5 Ozhynova Str., Lviv 79069.
Telephone: +38 (0322) 91-16-02, +38 (0322) 91-16-06
Zhytomyr Automobile and Highway College
Its foundation
Zhytomyr Automobile and Highway College was founded on the basis of Zhytomyr Industrial College and Jewish vocational school under the Order of the Central Administrative Board of Highways, Earth Roads and Motor Transport within the USSR Council of People’s Commissars on 23 July 1930. Zhytomyr Automobile and Highway College is the oldest education establishment of Polissia region.
Specialties and Specializations
Training of Junior Specialists is conducted in the following fields:
- 5.06010109 Construction and Maintenance of Airfields and Roads
- 5.05050204 Maintenance and Repair of Elevating, Road, Construction, Land-reclamation Machines and Equipment
- 5.07010602 Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles and Engines
- 5.0701010 Road Traffic Engineering and Control
- 5.03050901 Accounting
Oleksandr Vasyliovych Nikolenko has been head of Zhytomyr Automobile and Highway College since 1989. He is Merited Educationalist of Ukraine, Chair of the Board of Directors of higher educational establishments of I-III accreditation levels in Zhytomyr region, head of Zhytomyr regional public organization of All-Ukrainian Association of Directors of higher educational establishments of I-III accreditation levels. He holds the Excellence in Education of Ukraine badge. He began his career in 1967. He got a qualification in Vehicles and Vehicle Fleet after graduating from Zhytomyr and Highway College and Kyiv Automobile and Highway Institute. Oleksandr Nikolenko worked his way up from a road technologist to head of Zhytomyr transport enterprise and deputy-head of Zhytomyr Regional Motor Transport Department.
Hostel accommodation
There are 3 hostels in the college. All non-resident students are provided with rooms in the hostels.
Address: 2 Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr 10014.
Head’s reception office phone: +38 (0412) 47-18-10
Admissions Committee phone: +38 (0412) 47-18-23
Phone: +38 (0412) 46-93-75
The Kyiv College of Transport and Economics of National Transport University
Its foundation
The Kyiv College of Transport and Economics was founded on the basis of Kyiv Automotive and Tractor Vocational School under the Order of the Central Administrative Board of Highways, Earth Roads and Motor Transport of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars in October 1929.
Specialties and Specializations
Field of knowledge: 0305 Economics and Business
- 5.0305801 Finance and Credit
- 5.0305901 Accounting
Field of knowledge: 0701 Transport and Transport Infrastructure
- 5.07010102 Logistics and Transport Management
- 5.07010101 Road Traffic Engineering and Control
- 5.07010602 Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles and Engines
- 5.03060102 Transport Service Management
- 5.14010301 Tourism
Natalia Dmytrivna Shulga – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Merited Educationalist of Ukraine, Merited Transport Worker of Ukraine. She was awarded Princess Olha Order of III-d and II-nd degrees.
Hostel accommodation
There is a hostel that can accommodate 300 students simultaneously.
Address: 20, Vasilkivska Str., Kyiv 03040, Ukraine.
Phone: +38 (044) 257-23-38, +38 (044) 257-23-95