Recently, within the frame of the act of charity called ‘To Be Side by Side’ a visit to Mriia Pereiaslavhchyny Orphanage located in the village of Tsybli, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi District of Kyiv Region, was organized.
All people who care have joined this activity: senior university officers, university lecturers, students and university staff, inhabitants of Comfort Town residential complex and Str. H. Akhmatovoyi, 41, 43 Self-Government Organization Building Committee.
The inmates of the Orphanage gladly met the guests. The eyes of the little children during the meeting were shining with joy, and we want to believe that this happiness and faith will not disappear under any circumstances.
The children happily checked the presents, among which were clothes, stationery, toys, books, etc. and this joy in their eyes proved that we were doing everything correctly and not in vain.
It is necessary to continue such activities to warm children’s hearts with love.
Thank you all! Let’s help children together!