The Academic Council of National Transport University is a collegial body of the University.
The Terms of Reference for the Academic Council of NTU
The Academic Council of the University shall function in accordance with the approved Academic Council agendas. The meetings of the Academic Council shall be held at least once a month. The Council of the University is headed by its chairman, the Rector.The composition of the Academic Council shall be as follows: ex officio members of the administration, heads of divisions, heads of centers, deans, Director of Finance, Chief Accountant, leaders of the student self-government of the University and elected representatives (50% of the Council members) who are elected from among the heads of departments, professors and doctors of science. The qualitative composition the Academic Council shall be as follows: 75% of the total number of members is scientific and teaching staff: 10% are students, graduate students, doctoral students, 15% are other categories of staff. Elected representatives shall be elected by the conference of the University’s staff upon the recommendation of the University structural units in which they work. Complete composition of the Academic Council shall be approved by the Rector’s order.
List of individual members of the Academic Council
The competence of the Academic Council includes: – submission of a draft statute and amendments and supplements thereto to a higher collective body of public government; – approval of the financial plan and report of the higher educational establishment; – submission of proposals for the appointment and dismissal of the director of the library, vice-rectors (deputy heads), directors of institutes and Chief Accountantto the head of the higher educational establishment; – election of heads of departments and professors by secret ballot; – approval of curricula and syllabuses; -approval of decisions on educational process issues; – approval of major areas of research; – assessment of scientific and educational activities of the structural divisions; – taking decisions on the candidates for award of academic titles of associate professor, professor, senior research fellow. The Academic Council of the University considers other issues of the University activities under the statute of the University. The Academic Council decisions are put into effect by the Rector’s orders.
Address: room. 209, 1, M. Pavlenka Omelianovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010.
Phone: +38 (044) 280-01-49
Council Secretary: Alexander Melnichenko