Dear friends!
You have already finished secondary school, lyceum or vocational school, college or technical school. You have already received a high school certificate or a Junior Specialist diploma and want to go on to further study. You are facing a major task: to make a decision on where to study and what specialty to choose. It is necessary to single out the only one, which would meet your interests and preferences, skills and knowledge. The only one that would be in demand today and in the future. You should also decide where you can acquire the necessary knowledge.
Those applicants who are interested in transport, which is a very significant sector of the economy of our country, and issues associated with transport, are invited to the leading higher education institution of Ukraine in this field – National Transport University, which was established as Kyiv Automobile and Highway Institute on November 7, 1944.
At the university there are 5 faculties ( Faculty of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Transport Construction; Faculty of Transport and Information Technologies; Faculty of Management, Logistics and Tourism; Faculty of Economics and Law), 3 centers ( Center for Correspondence Education and Distance Learning, Center for Professional Advancement, Retraining and Development, Centre for International Education), 3 education and consulting centers in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kryvyi Rih, Bar College of Automotive and Highway Engineering , Kyiv College of Transport and Economics , Zhytomyr Automobile and Road College, Nadvirna College, Lviv higher vocational school of transport technologies and services, lyceum classes in educational institutions of the Ist level of accreditation. There is also Research Institute of Transport Problems and Construction Technologies, International Educational Center of Information Technologies, post-graduate and doctoral training division.
Specialists of Bachelor’s and Master’s levels of education are trained at 5 faculties on a full-time basis according to 22 specialties and 40 professional directions and specializations. Center for Correspondence Education and Distance Learning trains specialists on a part-time basis. Center for Professional Advancement, Retraining and Development is in charge of part-time training of those who have the academic level of Junior Specialist. In addition, the Center offers preparation for External Independent Evaluation and the university enrollment tests. The Centre for International Education monitors academic performance of international students.
For some specialties of the university there is a shortened programme of study to get a bachelor degree for those, who have already gained the academic degree of a Junior Specialist. Those, who have already gained a bachelor’s degree (academic level) at another university, may continue their education at NTU studying masters programmes.
The importance and meaningfulness of our specialties are confirmed by the fact that all graduates are employed. Moreover, they’ve got jobs according to the university specialties, they have moral satisfaction of their jobs and they are quite financially strong. There are a lot of well-known technical officers of different levels, experienced lecturers and renowned scientists. Quite a lot of our graduates are successfully working at our university at the moment.
It is exciting to study at NTU. Our teaching staff is knowledgeable and intelligent; many lecturers have honorary titles of merited employees in certain spheres and various state awards. They successfully carry out research work besides teaching. Many of them have become State Prize laureates of Ukraine in Science and Technology. Modern facilities and resources guarantee efficient studies. The lectures and practicals are conducted in specially equipped classrooms and laboratories as well as in modern computer classes. Students, who have industrial training in conditions close to their future professional activities, can get apprenticeship for their job. The university has a fleet of modern vehicles for student to study the structure of a motor vehicle and its maintenance and to acquire some practical driving skills.
Under the guidance of qualified teachers you can gain everything a specialist needs today: profound theoretical knowledge and the ability to acquire it individually to eventually get with the times, the ability to think creatively, a variety of practical skills and also the opportunity to live and work in a team and to manage people. You will become truly educated and broad-minded.
The University is successfully developing international relations with leading universities abroad.
The University is concerned about students’ physical development. We organise various sports activities. There is a sports centre with a swimming pool and a summer sports camp. Motorsport is the most popular with our students: the University team is well-known throughout Ukraine and abroad. The leisure time activities are properly arranged. Students are given the opportunity to develop their talents taking part in amateur performances and in KVN shows (Club of the cheerful and resourceful). Besides, students can have fun or relax at regularly organized evening gatherings.
One of the primary tasks of the University is to create appropriate conditions for students to live in. Those who come from remote places are provided with hostel rooms, they have access to all the facilities necessary for comfortable life and studies.
From the information available on our website, you can learn about the specialties which the University trains specialists in; the place and role of these specialties in our national economy; the subjects you are going to study by choosing a particular profession; the positions you will hold after university graduation.
You can see the admissions regulations for 2017 as well as find other useful information for your entry to the University on the website.
I wish you to make the right choice of future profession, win the entrance competition and study successfully at our University. Let your dreams come true. Enjoy your journey to the world of knowledge!
Yours faithfully,
Rector of National
Transport University

M. F. Dmytrychenko